
We were raw, piercing flesh and playing with leftover bones, now we have to sharpen the bones and market the flesh. That’s the technology and the economics we are playing with our conscience now. So, with this poetic or ugly reflection, lets jump to the facts.

You were hunting around, and you ended up with an idea to synthesize your surrounding to make your survival. So, you started to create tools to produce crops so that you can eat it and if you have excess, sell it so that you can take something others created out of their intrinsic art. That we called as agriculture and the economics of it. Things changed and reached a point, when you wanted to travel quick and reach places sooner to expand yourself and your needs and wishes. A brilliant mind caught this wave of need and gave you what you call a motor. Runs like a horse and takes you places. And when you were done with the fantasies and luxuries, you started to sell it and commercialize, and there you had your automotive economics.

A little further down the lane, you wished to know everything to quench your thirst for existential meanings you seeked. There you wanted information and you build up tools and what you have is Information Technology and you better know the economics we are having now with it.

Now, there is some more brilliant ones, who want to go beyond gravitation, not just on a movie, but in reality and that too in large scale. There you have the technologies for Space and the upcoming economics.

So, we know everything so far man/woman -kind have had is the desire for technology and the commercial scaling of it making you live in the larger diaspora of economics. I cannot tell why our conscience led us over to it, but, beside my few biases, I feel that’s the key to everything.

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