The anxious wind

She wished it never happened. She did never anticipate it. She was shocked, when the day came that the wind turned too anxious, blowing away all her positive chains of emotions and breaking her down like she never realized in any part of her life. That day, her hopes turned yellow pale colored like the high rising sun yet with energy like the dark moon.

The last night, it was blowing from east, bringing some dark insight of the foes that could come that same way. The wind was little calm but harsh and stiff hard, like it would bring the cold death to a blood circuit that flows hot inside. She sprinkled water and shut down her cooking flames, fed the two of small ones, and made them go sleep. The husband and wife then had their dinner, eyes too focused on the food, and mouths muted, unable to acknowledge right moment to break the ice. She wanted her city safe, her kids safe and prospering, and her husband, alive. He was not anxious at this moment as he well knew how important the timing of this food might be in his life exposure timelines. He wanted to somehow let the body focus and enjoy the food, as he too feared the surprises the wind could bring the other day.

The sun rose mild hot and he was at the gates, along with thousand others, with similar weapon, similar clothing and similar mindset. The sounds were swirling very hard into the inside of the city as they still had some other familiar sounds mixed up. At the gates the case was different, a single sound repeated and repeated, freezing some portion of the mind and blood-wiring some of it. And the first one fell down. The enemies were in thousand of the thousands, and eager enough to acquire their today’s bread and butter. After 9 hours the gates were down, city was silent, and bodies at both places, silent, cold and very very still. One corner contained her husband, in same posture. Sun went down, and nothing anymore appeared anxious, except the wind, that went inside her breath, a very very anxious one.

The usual cooking flames turned on and off, the usual early sleepers went to sleep, but she was there, merely at her own discretion of solitude. A body cold and deep slept with no resistance to the winds. And a hot blood flowing through her with every resistance it tried against the anxious wind. She wept and wept, but to her own audience, as the walls around had their own watery eyes and broken souls, helpless as she was right at the moment.


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